The Thriving Women's Way Group Coaching Program

Join me on this 6 month journey to discovering your unique path to greater peace, abundance and happiness.

The Thriving Women's Way Group Coaching Program

Join me on this 6 month journey to discovering your unique path to greater peace, abundance and happiness.

Are you ready to break free of your limitations and finally live life

fully on your terms?

Underneath the shiny exterior, you secretly feel stuck in your life and feel like a robot that is going with the motions.

You feel disconnected to yourself and you are asking yourself if this is all there is? But you know in your heart that there is more available.

You often doubt and second guess yourself on your decisions, which can leave you feeling stuck in your head.

You lack the unshakeable inner compass that enables fast confident decision making at all times. This is possible for you, I promise!

No matter what you achieve, it never feels good enough.

You have achieved so much but it is hard for you to feel truly proud of yourself, so you keep pushing harder which leads you to feel exhausted and burnt out. There is another way!

You beat yourself up for things that don't work out.

You constantly judge yourself for the things you said and did in the past and expect yourself to be perfect at all times. It doesn't feel safe for you to make a mistake. This makes it difficult to truly grow.

You find yourself saying yes, when you mean no!

You find it difficult to say no to people as you unconsciously worry that they may get upset or angry with you and reject you. This leads you to have far too much on your plate and struggling with overwhelm.

If this sounds like you, The Thriving Women's Way Group Coaching Program could be perfect for you!

Are you ready to break free of your limitations and finally live life

fully on your terms?

Underneath the shiny exterior, you secretly feel stuck in your life and feel like a robot that is going with the motions.

You feel disconnected to yourself and you are asking yourself if this is all there is? But you know in your heart that there is more available.

You often doubt and second guess yourself on your decisions, which can leave you feeling stuck in your head.

You lack the unshakeable inner compass that enables fast confident decision making at all times. This is possible for you, I promise!

No matter what you achieve, it never feels good enough.

You have achieved so much but it is hard for you to feel truly proud of yourself, so you keep pushing harder which leads you to feel exhausted and burnt out. There is another way!

You beat yourself up for things that don't work out.

You constantly judge yourself for the things you said and did in the past and expect yourself to be perfect at all times. It doesn't feel safe for you to make a mistake. This makes it difficult to truly grow.

You find yourself saying yes, when you mean no!

You find it difficult to say no to people as you unconsciously worry that they may get upset or angry with you and reject you. This leads you to have far too much on your plate and struggling with overwhelm.

If this sounds like you, The Thriving Women's Way Group Coaching Program could be perfect for you!

Imagine a life where...

You feel completely free and in control of your life

  • You feel calm, grounded and peaceful during your day

  • You feel confident that you have the tools to feel under control of your emotions and have a healthy way to process and release tough emotions and self-judgement

  • You feel capable in handling your stress and demands with ease

  • You have reconnected with your Core Confidence Blueprint, the person you were always born to be

  • You live a life full of meaning and purpose

  • Your relationships improve drastically

  • You love yourself deeply and have more profound trust within

  • You live your life with a calmer mind, body and soul

  • You live a life with freedom, success and abundance on your terms


"I was attending counselling sessions but those sessions weren't really helpful for me into what I am looking for exactly. So I reached out to Sophie because I had a couple of issues that affected my self confidence, which were happening in my personal life and career wise. I was super insecure. I always asked myself whether I am worth it and all those insecurities in my head. I was super sad about myself and felt really disappointed with myself but through Sophie's signature method, I realised I have done my best and I was just super burnt out with taking care of my family as well as taking care of myself and being able to perform at work. It is a good reminder to take a step back and be able to take care of ourselves. I am so grateful that I met Sophie because I am much more calmer. Her sessions really guided me to understand that all the things that happened in the past is just a part of my growth and up to this point, I am still growing and it is best to acknowledge the past. I would really highly recommend Sophie because if you are looking to know yourself more not just on the surface, it is definitely something you can dig in with her.

The biggest takeaway was that my childhood really impacted me on how I see the world and learnt how to move forward and grow from there. Now I believe that I have a purpose to move forward. Sophie is one of the best if you want to deep dive and gain confidence, so reach out!"

Dilla Rahmalia - Executive, Singapore/Indonesia


Investing in my inner healing gave me the freedom to live on my own terms... and it can do the same for you!

I no longer doubt myself or feel anxious. I have unshakeable confidence and am completely comfortable in my own skin and identity.

I live a life on my terms that is purposeful and joyful. I have complete certainty of who I am and what is for me and what is not for me.

I have a healthy relationship with myself and with others.

I have deep and meaningful relationships, abound with open communication and mutual care.

I have a fulfilling career, which gives me the freedom and flexibility to travel the world and a deep sense of personal satisfaction.

I understand myself, I know how to manage my emotions and my inner compass is the guiding light for all my decisions and choices.

My life is completely unrecognisable from the life I had 5 years ago. And this is available for you too!


Investing in my inner healing gave me the freedom to live on my own terms... and it can do the same for you!

I no longer doubt myself or feel anxious. I have unshakeable confidence and am completely comfortable in my own skin and identity.

I live a life on my terms that is purposeful and joyful. I have complete certainty of who I am and what is for me and what is not for me.

I have a healthy relationship with myself and with others.

I have deep and meaningful relationships, abound with open communication and mutual care.

I have a fulfilling career, which gives me the freedom and flexibility to travel the world and a deep sense of personal satisfaction.

I understand myself, I know how to manage my emotions and my inner compass is the guiding light for all my decisions and choices.

My life is completely unrecognisable from the life I had 5 years ago. And this is available for you too!

I was once in your shoes...

Hi. I’m Sophie, the Founder of The Thriving Women’s Way and Core Confidence Imprinting™ process. I help ambitious, capable female leaders, like yourself, to own their voice, worth and personal power.

Prior to my entrepreneurial journey, I spent a decade in renowned multinational corporations such as Citibank and HSBC in various people and service-oriented roles as a young corporate woman. I know the challenges of being in a highly pressured environment and how it can affect you.

It was not long ago that I was rushing around the central business district area of Singapore to meet my high flying clients thinking that this was what success looked like, yet inside of me. I was functioning on overdrive and kept on burning out. I was a perfectionist, a people-pleaser, who had high functioning anxiety, whatever I did was never good enough in my mind. I felt completely unfulfilled and knew that there was something missing.

Does this sound all too familiar to you?

If so, you are in the right place.

This is exactly why I created The Thriving Women’s Way Group Coaching Program, to help those who are where I was to heal and thrive in a supportive, close-knit space.

I spent years finding ways to overcome my limitations and self-judgement, and learning how to feel truly worthy of my dreams.

Prior to this, everything looked perfect from the outside, but underneath the cracks were starting to show. I'd hit a wall. That's when I decided to choose a different trajectory for my life, and everything began changing for the better.

Throughout the years, I have invested over $200,000 and thousands of hours learning the tools to create the life I have created for myself and to help others do the same.

It is my mission today to help successful women like you to experience the deep sense of freedom, abundance and joy that is available when you step into your full power.

"The goal is not to be better than the other man, but your previous self."

– The Dalai Lama

There are times where we don't know what we don't know and there are things we aren't able to see for ourselves. That is what keeps us from moving forward to our next level!

The good news is - you don't have to figure it out on your own because I am here to hold your hand and help guide your journey.

The Thriving Women's Group Coaching Program is a space for you to develop the tools, techniques and tenacity to stop settling and start commanding the life you really want.

My coaching style is very intuitive and feminine, this combined with my best professional knowledge provides a safe and potent container within which for you to grow.

There are times where we don't know what we don't know and there are things we aren't able to see for ourselves. That is what keeps us from moving forward to our next level!

The good news is - you don't have to figure it out on your own because I am here to hold your hand and help guide your journey.

The Thriving Women's Group Coaching Program is a space for you to develop the tools, techniques and tenacity to stop settling and start commanding the life you really want.

My coaching style is very intuitive and feminine, this combined with my best professional knowledge provides a safe and potent container within which for you to grow.

You don't need to know everything...

You just need to know you're ready to take the first step.


The Thriving Women's Way Group Coaching Program!

What's Inside...


In Month 1 & 2, we will uncover and transform your beliefs on a conscious and subconscious level so that you can truly believe in yourself and your capabilities like never before. We will cover topics to create self awareness of what is really blocking you in your life and learning tools that will help you shift your mindset and perception of how you show up and interact with yourself, others and the world.

You will also discover your Core Confidence Saboteurs® , which are the self sabotaging behaviours which are blocking you from your next level of success and freedom.


In Month 3 & 4, we will cover topics that will help you release buried emotions that are blocking your success and healing key life relationships you had no idea were holding you back. This enables you to love, trust, and believe in yourself and feel free to be who you really are, with a happy heart.


In Month 5, we rediscover your inner compass that is uniquely yours and create deep self trust to guide you to make quicker decisions that are aligned to your truth and your path towards your personal version of success.


In Month 6, we shift into deep embodiment work for you to reconnect with your dream life and who you were always born to be, to take fearless, forward moving, aligned action to bring your version of success into reality.


The Thriving Women's Way Group Coaching Program!

What's Inside...


In Month 1 & 2, we will uncover and transform your beliefs on a conscious and subconscious level so that you can truly believe in yourself and your capabilities like never before. We will cover topics to create self awareness of what is really blocking you in your life and learning tools that will help you shift your mindset and perception of how you show up and interact with yourself, others and the world.

You will also discover your Core Confidence Saboteurs® , which are the self sabotaging behaviours which are blocking you from your next level of success and freedom.


In Month 3 & 4, we will cover topics that will help you release buried emotions that are blocking your success and healing key life relationships you had no idea were holding you back. This enables you to love, trust, and believe in yourself and feel free to be who you really are, with a happy heart.


In Month 5, we rediscover your inner compass that is uniquely yours and create deep self trust to guide you to make quicker decisions that are aligned to your truth and your path towards your personal version of success.


In Month 6, we shift into deep embodiment work for you to reconnect with your dream life and who you were always born to be, to take fearless, forward moving, aligned action to bring your version of success into reality.



Simply sign up prior to the 25th June 2022 and receive two x bonus 45 minute private coaching sessions with me.

This will enable you to receive extra support before the start of The Thriving Women's Way Group Coaching Program, which commences 4th July 2022.




Simply sign up between the 25th June to 30th June 2022 and receive one x bonus 45 minute private coaching session with me.

This will enable you to receive extra support before the start of The Thriving Women's Way Group Coaching Program, which commences 4th July 2022.



Bonus 1: Reconnect with Your Breath

Your breath is one of the most powerful tools to shift your anxiety, stress and overwhelm. It is a physical reflection of the state of your mental well being. What breathwork does is to allow you to relearn this life-giving act and improve many areas of your life immensely. Breathwork activates the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing us to deal with the damaging effects of stress on our bodies, and our minds and spirit. It gives you the space and clarity to notice your thoughts and reactions – and bring you to a deeper connection with yourself. It can help you shift narratives that no longer serve you, and increase your own capacity to heal and become more of who you are.

The breathwork techniques that your facilitator, Noel will share with you are derived from traditional pranayama developed by yogis. What Noel will offer during your time together is a unique and gentle breathwork experience (even if you’ve never done breathwork before) and share with you a simple sequence that you can do on your own time.

This bonus will be in Month 1.

About Your Breathwork Facilitator

Noel Tuan

Noel Tuan is a facilitator of Holotropic and Yogic Breathwork. He brings awareness to your daily breath, supporting the rediscover of your True Self, elevating your life. Having led a secular life as an investment banker, dancer, athlete and the co-founder of an internationally acclaimed organic raw food business, Noel traverses the spiritual and material worlds with ease. He strongly believes in self-empowerment and is here to share his knowledge and experiences with you.


Bonus 2: Practical Gut Health Tips to Feel Good

The key to having good mood lies in your gut. Nutrition directly affects how you think and feel, contributing to your anxiety level. There are foods that cause inflammation in your system and make your anxiety even worse. Such foods can often disrupt the balance between good and bad bacteria in your gut. This delicate balance not only determines the inflammation level in your gut, which is linked to anxiety, it also directly influences the amount of brain chemicals secreted in your gut, which account for up to 90% of your body’s production. If your gut feels good, you feel good. If your gut feels terrible, you feel terrible. We will be talking about some actionable strategies that you can implement right away in your lifestyle and diet to feel good and also foods to minimize or avoid altogether to safeguard your mood.

This bonus will be in Month 2.

About Your Holistic Wellness Facilitator

Shane Lau

Shane is a holistic wellness coach. He’s a certified ketogenic nutrition specialist with the American Nutrition Association and a certified brain health coach with the Amen Clinic. He has a master of science in nutrition, is a certified medical interpreter and is working on another master in neuroscience. Shane is a long-time yoga and meditation practitioner with a 200-hour yoga alliance certification in alignment-based yoga. He integrates dietary and body-mind strategies in his own lifestyle as well as for his clients, such as breathing and heart centering techniques from the Heartmath Institute. Before the pandemic, he travelled around Asia organizing meditation retreats. He’s now taken this retreat experience online and organizes meditation courses and retreats every month.


"Sophie was recommended to me by a friend. I was in a point of my life where I felt stuck and I wanted to seek clarity and direction. She created an open and non-judgmental space, which led me to learn more about myself and tap into my inner truth. She asks the right questions, probes and digs which makes me reflect more on what I really want to do in my life. Every week, I find myself taking action and gaining more confidence within myself. And within the two months that we have worked together, I have taken steps forwards for all the goals that I have held off for two years. She has helped in so many ways and I am so thankful for her and what she does."

Joyce, Manager in NHS, United Kingdom

"Having Sophie as a life coach was such a godsend. I had sought her help at a time of uncertainty and confusion, and in less than three months, she helped me regain the self-confidence to forge my own path — onwards and upwards! Sophie’s a great listener and is very perceptive. She asks thought-provoking questions to offer a different perspective (and they always make me go: “Hmm... I don’t know; I’ve never thought about that before.”). Sophie has a multi-faceted coaching style, sometimes incorporating quick meditation and hypnotherapy into our sessions. I’ll forever be thankful to Sophie for guiding me in my journey of careful introspection, confronting demons, and finding my inner truth. I highly recommend Sophie as a coach and suggest booking a discovery session if you want to learn more. "

Shani Go, Manager USA/China

"Prior to our sessions, I was struggling with some deep seated fears which were holding me back from having confidence in my capabilities. Sophie was recommended by word of mouth. I was a little skeptical at first, but keeping an open mind, trusting Sophie and keeping my commitment to complete the process was an eye opening and productive experience. Sophie created an environment that made me feel safe to open up and be vulnerable.

She also assured me of the confidentiality of our sessions, which is important to me. Her patience in explaining the process and gentle nudges facilitated the sessions and helped me with mining my innermost feelings and buried memories. There were several insights which were unlocked during these sessions which gave me a lot to think about. I feel a lot more at peace with myself and have been able to embrace many of my learnings and revelations. The sessions with Sophie have given me the avenue to ask myself a lot of questions that I had struggled with in the past, and laid down some foundation for me to work on some of my insecurities and improve my relationships. I

am now able to approach these topics/ areas with more kindness and openness, without the emotional loading that used to inhibit my abilities to work through them.

I would recommend Sophie for her services.

SH, Director, Singapore

"I initially came in for anger management issues, and through this random chance, I came across Sophie. Before, I can be easily triggered. I went through therapy for it and I still do but I realised the limitations of it because sometimes the anger is already generated, and I have to release it somewhere whether it is within yourself or on to your environment. I don't think that's a good thing to have constantly that process. So I signed up with Sophie to change that. Even in between the sessions, I felt the big changes of my attitude for those issues that used to trigger me. The process was fun and I felt like a new world has opened to me and now I have the confidence and calm to strive and enjoy it. I think we have to talk to different parts of us so we can put ourselves together and then march on. My life now has changed in a few aspects. The most obvious one is my relationship with my dad which has improved a lot. As a result, I am no longer a victim. In the work place, I am more calm. I feel more at ease with myself and accept myself."


"I always knew Sophie is wonderful and a person that can guide people into the right direction. I went to college with Sophie and whenever I faced any life decisions, she actually gives the best guidance from her pure intuition. She understands somebody's situation intuitively and quickly.

The main purpose of my life was to make my grandparents proud of me. So when I lost my grandparents, my mind was empty, who am I going to make proud of my achievements going forward? So that's when Sophie became my wonderful coach. I had no doubt that Sophie would because she is a trustworthy person.

When I started my mind was only occupied by my work, so everything I was doing was to be efficient for my work. I was losing my mind.

Sophie's coaching style is not like the traditional coaching. What is special about Sophie's signature method is that it is a mix of rewiring the subconscious mind, diving deep into my emotions through coaching and other methods. With that I was able to understand my past trauma, then understanding the key issues that I still care about which are still affecting my current life. I was able to forgive the past. I feel light and really happy, healing my past experience and understanding other people's circumstances and view. Being able to let go of what happened in the past and it is not hurting me anymore thanks to Sophie's signature process.

I am still in the process, but the biggest takeaway is that I can be myself. Before, I was making myself satisfactory to other people's expectations. I forgot about myself and what I wanted for myself. So now, thanks to Sophie, I have experienced many shifts in my life. The result of Sophie's coaching was that I got a promotion and a permanent position, I also am in a relationship now and I am more financially abundant! I am more confident which the results actually shows. I am living a life of fulfilment in my career, relationships and other aspects of my life.

The main purpose of my life was to make my grandparents proud of me. So when I lost my grandparents, my mind was empty, who am I going to make proud of my achievements going forward? So that's when Sophie became my wonderful coach. I had no doubt that Sophie would because she is a trustworthy person.

When I started my mind was only occupied by my work, so everything I was doing was to be efficient for my work. I was losing my mind.

Sophie's coaching style is not like the traditional coaching. What is special about Sophie's signature method is that it is a mix of rewiring the subconscious mind, diving deep into my emotions through coaching and other methods. With that I was able to understand my past trauma, then understanding the key issues that I still care about which are still affecting my current life. I was able to forgive the past. I feel light and really happy, healing my past experience and understanding other people's circumstances and view. Being able to let go of what happened in the past and it is not hurting me anymore thanks to Sophie's signature process.

I am still in the process, but the biggest takeaway is that I can be myself. Before, I was making myself satisfactory to other people's expectations. I forgot about myself and what I wanted for myself. So now, thanks to Sophie, I have experienced many shifts in my life. The result of Sophie's coaching was that I got a promotion and a permanent position, I also am in a relationship now and I am more financially abundant! I am more confident which the results actually shows. I am living a life of fulfilment in my career, relationships and other aspects of my life.

MS, Banking and Finance, Manager, USA/Japan

Sophie is heaven-sent. We need someone like her in our lives to help us get through anxiety, stress, and overwhelm. She does exactly that and the better part is she shares exercises we can use so we can be empowered and use these on our own in the future. When I met Sophie, I was at the brink of giving up on my career, my dreams, and the thought of having hope about a bright future. I was just mustering all the courage I had left each day to get up, take care of our kids, and excel at work. I was angry, regretful, and frightened. And I was exhausted from bleak memories of the past, dreadful problems in the present, and frightful thoughts about the future. When she offered to listen, I was so hesitant at first because I was so embarrassed with my situation. Plus she's younger than I am and overall, I just really didn't want to be a burden. She understood that and empathized with it. She never gave up on me. There's something about her that made me trust her and tell her what's been weighing me down. She listened patiently, gently, as if nothing else mattered in the world except what I had to say. She knew the right words to encourage me and she knew when to let me be. She acknowledged and empathized with my emotions. That meant a lot and made me trust her all the way. When I'd be scared to acknowledge my fears, she would gently guide me back. When I'm burdened, she'd show me how to let go of the heavy weight on my shoulders through effective visualization exercises. When I'm overwhelmed with so many things I have to do, she leads a guided meditation where I immediately find clarity and instantly feel the chaos fade away. And out of nowhere, she'd pop in to tell me affirmations that would undoubtedly lift my spirits up, such as "You have a beautiful light inside of you Vi. I believe that." And we're talking, she'd say something like, "I think you are wonderful with a big heart of gold!" or "You are bright shining ball of love." It just fills me up no matter how empty I had been feeling and brings me back to looking forward to each day again. I don't know how she does it, but she'd check on me in the exact time when I've been thinking of contacting her. It's as if she reads my mind, but I'm starting to believe its her being able to sense the energy I have or whatever's left of it. She has this weekly broadcast that I always look forward to. It's become my weekly energizer/charger. What I mostly love about Sophie is her aim is to genuinely help me recover, get better, become stronger, and be the version of the person I want to be. She's never selfish. She's always giving and she's just overflowing with so much positive healing and empowering energy and I, of course, willingly indulge and drink it up. The result: a huge improvement in the way I see myself, how I take care of my well-being, and how confident I am sharing my skills and talents with others. I was retreating before, I am moving forward now, full steam ahead! There are times when there are certain triggers that threaten my confidence but because of the exercises that Sophie has shared with me, I can deal with them better. Sophie is a gift that I'll be forever thankful receiving. She's a blessing that we all need at least once in our lives.

Vi Arboleda, Entrepreneur, Philippines

"Prior to our sessions, I was struggling with some deep seated fears which were holding me back from having confidence in my capabilities. Sophie was recommended by word of mouth. I was a little skeptical at first, but keeping an open mind, trusting Sophie and keeping my commitment to complete the process was an eye opening and productive experience. Sophie created an environment that made me feel safe to open up and be vulnerable.

She also assured me of the confidentiality of our sessions, which is important to me. Her patience in explaining the process and gentle nudges facilitated the sessions and helped me with mining my innermost feelings and buried memories. There were several insights which were unlocked during these sessions which gave me a lot to think about. I feel a lot more at peace with myself and have been able to embrace many of my learnings and revelations. The sessions with Sophie have given me the avenue to ask myself a lot of questions that I had struggled with in the past, and laid down some foundation for me to work on some of my insecurities and improve my relationships. I

am now able to approach these topics/ areas with more kindness and openness, without the emotional loading that used to inhibit my abilities to work through them.

I would recommend Sophie for her services.

SH, Director, Singapore

Sophie is heaven-sent. We need someone like her in our lives to help us get through anxiety, stress, and overwhelm. She does exactly that and the better part is she shares exercises we can use so we can be empowered and use these on our own in the future. When I met Sophie, I was at the brink of giving up on my career, my dreams, and the thought of having hope about a bright future. I was just mustering all the courage I had left each day to get up, take care of our kids, and excel at work. I was angry, regretful, and frightened. And I was exhausted from bleak memories of the past, dreadful problems in the present, and frightful thoughts about the future. When she offered to listen, I was so hesitant at first because I was so embarrassed with my situation. Plus she's younger than I am and overall, I just really didn't want to be a burden. She understood that and empathized with it. She never gave up on me. There's something about her that made me trust her and tell her what's been weighing me down. She listened patiently, gently, as if nothing else mattered in the world except what I had to say. She knew the right words to encourage me and she knew when to let me be. She acknowledged and empathized with my emotions. That meant a lot and made me trust her all the way. When I'd be scared to acknowledge my fears, she would gently guide me back. When I'm burdened, she'd show me how to let go of the heavy weight on my shoulders through effective visualization exercises. When I'm overwhelmed with so many things I have to do, she leads a guided meditation where I immediately find clarity and instantly feel the chaos fade away. And out of nowhere, she'd pop in to tell me affirmations that would undoubtedly lift my spirits up, such as "You have a beautiful light inside of you Vi. I believe that." And we're talking, she'd say something like, "I think you are wonderful with a big heart of gold!" or "You are bright shining ball of love." It just fills me up no matter how empty I had been feeling and brings me back to looking forward to each day again. I don't know how she does it, but she'd check on me in the exact time when I've been thinking of contacting her. It's as if she reads my mind, but I'm starting to believe its her being able to sense the energy I have or whatever's left of it. She has this weekly broadcast that I always look forward to. It's become my weekly energizer/charger. What I mostly love about Sophie is her aim is to genuinely help me recover, get better, become stronger, and be the version of the person I want to be. She's never selfish. She's always giving and she's just overflowing with so much positive healing and empowering energy and I, of course, willingly indulge and drink it up. The result: a huge improvement in the way I see myself, how I take care of my well-being, and how confident I am sharing my skills and talents with others. I was retreating before, I am moving forward now, full steam ahead! There are times when there are certain triggers that threaten my confidence but because of the exercises that Sophie has shared with me, I can deal with them better. Sophie is a gift that I'll be forever thankful receiving. She's a blessing that we all need at least once in our lives.

Vi Arboleda, Entrepreneur, Philippines

"I always knew Sophie is wonderful and a person that can guide people into the right direction. I went to college with Sophie and whenever I faced any life decisions, she actually gives the best guidance from her pure intuition. She understands somebody's situation intuitively and quickly.

The main purpose of my life was to make my grandparents proud of me. So when I lost my grandparents, my mind was empty, who am I going to make proud of my achievements going forward? So that's when Sophie became my wonderful coach. I had no doubt that Sophie would because she is a trustworthy person.

When I started my mind was only occupied by my work, so everything I was doing was to be efficient for my work. I was losing my mind.

Sophie's coaching style is not like the traditional coaching. What is special about Sophie's signature method is that it is a mix of rewiring the subconscious mind, diving deep into my emotions through coaching and other methods. With that I was able to understand my past trauma, then understanding the key issues that I still care about which are still affecting my current life. I was able to forgive the past. I feel light and really happy, healing my past experience and understanding other people's circumstances and view. Being able to let go of what happened in the past and it is not hurting me anymore thanks to Sophie's signature process.

I am still in the process, but the biggest takeaway is that I can be myself. Before, I was making myself satisfactory to other people's expectations. I forgot about myself and what I wanted for myself. So now, thanks to Sophie, I have experienced many shifts in my life. The result of Sophie's coaching was that I got a promotion and a permanent position, I also am in a relationship now and I am more financially abundant! I am more confident which the results actually shows. I am living a life of fulfilment in my career, relationships and other aspects of my life.

MS, Banking and Finance, Manager, USA/Japan

Are you ready to invest in the best asset you have?

So many women out there are looking for a quick fix hoping that it will somehow create the life they are looking for or they think that it will make them feel better. Year after year, they are spending money on things they think will make them feel happy but in the end it is temporary relief.

Maybe you can relate with some of the temporary fix investments that you will buy without hesitation such as….

I know because I have been there too!

But here’s the thing….. What if you did the inside work to overcome your limitations and create the freedom, success and abundance that you have always been looking for?

Wouldn’t you say that you are worth every single cent of the investment to receive what you have always been wanting?

That’s what’s possible with The Thriving Women’s Way Group Coaching Program. It will transform your life like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.

"The best investment you can make is an investment that you make in yourself"

Warren Buffett

Here's everything you get with The Thriving Women's Way Group Coaching Program

  • 6 Months of Group Coaching - 3 Powerful Group Coaching Sessions per month to help you shift your mindset and change your reality.
  • 6 Months of Live Lessons - 3 Lessons per month that will give you more tools in understanding yourself and improve your mindset.
  • 1 Core Confidence Rewiring Audio per month - These powerful audios go deep into your subconscious mind to rewire your thoughts, feelings and beliefs of yourself and the world.
  • Workbooks and Exercises - which will help you on your transformation journey.
  • 2 AMAZING Bonuses- These bonuses will provide you different methods of rewiring your mindset and reconnecting you with your body. Both Breathwork and Gut Health are effective ways to heal your body.
  • Private Facebook Group - Be surrounded by like-minded women who are on similar journeys to you to support you every step of the way.
  • One Full Year of Access to the Replays- You will be able to revisit the lessons, group coaching sessions and audios for a whole year!





**This price will never be seen again after this run!

I know you are tired of going in circles...

That's why I created The Thriving Women's Way Group Coaching Program

How is The Thriving Women's Way Group Coaching Program different to other courses?

The Thriving Women's Way

My methodology is really unique and goes deep into the root cause of your anxiety and overwhelm. I use a holistic and integrated system which encompasses the subconscious, conscious and energetic work. It has Core Confidence Rewiring® (which accesses the subconscious to rewire your mind), trauma informed work, coaching, embodiment work and many more that is inside this program.

Other Courses

They only touch the surface of your challenges with your self-esteem and self-confidence. They may not go into the subconscious level which is where you can access the root cause of your challenges.

The Thriving Women's Way

It is a small knit and intimate group whereby I personally vet through who joins the program, as it is important to ensure the psychological and emotional safety of the group. This will help you to feel at ease and focus on your own personal growth journey.

Other Courses

May not have that personal touch as the group may be too big to create the depth needed to facilitate the biggest shifts in your personal growth.

The Thriving Women's Way

Continuous support as you complete the program, you will still have access to the Alumni Private Facebook Group.

Other Courses

After completing others programs, you may feel left out in the cold and incomplete.


"I initially came in for anger management issues, and through this random chance, I came across Sophie. Before, I can be easily triggered. I went through therapy for it and I still do but I realised the limitations of it because sometimes the anger is already generated, and I have to release it somewhere whether it is within yourself or on to your environment. I don't think that's a good thing to have constantly that process. So I signed up with Sophie to change that. Even in between the sessions, I felt the big changes of my attitude for those issues that used to trigger me. The process was fun and I felt like a new world has opened to me and now I have the confidence and calm to strive and enjoy it. I think we have to talk to different parts of us so we can put ourselves together and then march on. My life now has changed in a few aspects. The most obvious one is my relationship with my dad which has improved a lot. As a result, I am no longer a victim. In the work place, I am more calm. I feel more at ease with myself and accept myself."

Ms. Shi - Finance Manager, Singapore

"Sophie was recommended to me by a friend. I was in a point of my life where I felt stuck and I wanted to seek clarity and direction. She created an open and non-judgmental space, which led me to learn more about myself and tap into my inner truth. She asks the right questions, probes and digs which makes me reflect more on what I really want to do in my life. Every week, I find myself taking action and gaining more confidence within myself. And within the two months that we have worked together, I have taken steps forwards for all the goals that I have held off for two years. She has helped in so many ways and I am so thankful for her and what she does."

Joyce P - Healthcare Manager, UK


How was The Thriving Women's Way Group Coaching Program created?

The Thriving Women's Way Group Coaching Program was created based on my personal experience in wanting to be on a journey with a tight knit group of women who were on similar journeys of reclaiming their Core Confidence Blueprint® and being able to talk with other people in a safe space to feel supported.

It is a blend of all the tools such as coaching, meditation, breathwork, subconscious rewiring etc. that has helped me to regain my personal power aka Core Confidence Blueprint® and to live a life on my terms.

What if I am not comfortable sharing in a group?

You are not obliged to share anything in a call if you don't want to.

Rest assured that we have our chemistry calls to ensure that the environment is an emotional and psychological safe space and community for each other to be vulnerable and receive support from each other.

Also, to make the most out of the Group Coaching Program, it would be valuable for you to share as others will also benefit from your experience.

Alternatively, you may wish to consider having Private Coaching Sessions and become a Platinum Member with Sophie.

How long is the program?

Overall the program is 6 months long, which is enough time for you to make long lasting change in your life. You will feel the effects of the transformation in our time together. 

Each month you will receive three lessons and three Live Group Q&A hot seat calls (this is where you will receive coaching in a group). You will also have the last week to integrate what you have learnt, called the Core Confidence Integration week. 

After our time, you will have access to the free Facebook Group, The Thriving Women's Collective and the alumni group. 

What is the investment for the course?

For the first participants that have signed up, we are providing an exclusive investment. The investment is SGD $ 2497 for the six months. Thereafter, the full investment is SGD $8497 (subject to change). 

There are installment plans available. For initial participants, the payment plan is SGD 550 per month.

What is the time commitment? I have a busy schedule.

It is a six month program but you have online access to the program for a year, which gives you enough time to process all the information and the tools provided. Also, the last week of the month will give you even more time to integrate what you have learnt, which is called Core Confidence Integration week.

When are the live group Q&As hot seat calls?

Live Group Q&A hot seat calls are on Friday evenings every week except the last week of the month. (This may change to over the weekend depending on what is best for the group). This will give you enough time to process what you have learnt and come up with any questions that you have to address in the call or any areas that you are stuck on. 

Do we need a Chemistry Call before starting?

It is important to have a Chemistry Call with Sophie to ensure that this group program is a great fit for you. It is also important for all applicants to be vetted as this helps us make sure the space is truly safe. 

I can't make the live calls.

If you can't make the calls, the recordings will be available to you in your membership area for you to watch back at your convenience. You can also ask questions in the thread provided in The Thriving Women's Group Coaching Program private community.


How was The Thriving Women's Way Group Coaching Program created?

The Thriving Women's Way Group Coaching Program was created based on my personal experience in wanting to be on a journey with a tight knit group of women who were on similar journeys of reclaiming their Core Confidence Blueprint ® and being able to talk with other people in a safe space to feel supported.

It is a blend of all the tools such as coaching, meditation, breathwork, subconscious rewiring etc. that has helped me to regain my personal power aka Core Confidence Blueprint ® and to live a life on my terms.

What if I am not comfortable sharing in a group?

You are not obliged to share anything in a call if you don't want to.

Rest assured that we have our chemistry calls to ensure that the environment is an emotional and psychological safe space and community for each other to be vulnerable and receive support from each other.

Also, to make the most out of the Group Coaching Program, it would be valuable for you to share as others will also benefit from your experience.

Alternatively, you may wish to consider having Private Coaching Sessions and become a Platinum Member with Sophie.

How long is the program?

Overall the program is 6 months long, which is enough time for you to make long lasting change in your life. You will feel the effects of the transformation in our time together.

Each month you will receive three lessons and three Live Group Q&A hot seat calls (this is where you will receive coaching in a group). You will also have the last week to integrate what you have learnt, called the Core Confidence Integration week.

After our time, you will have access to the free Facebook Group, The Thriving Women's Collective and the alumni group.

What is the investment for the course?

For the first participants that have signed up, we are providing an exclusive investment. The investment is SGD $ 2497 for the six months. Thereafter, the full investment is SGD $8497 (subject to change).

There are installment plans available. For initial participants, the payment plan is SGD 550 per month

What is the time commitment? I have a busy schedule.

It is a six month program but you have online access to the program for a year, which gives you enough time to process all the information and the tools provided. Also, the last week of the month will give you even more time to integrate what you have learnt, which is called Core Confidence Integration week.

When are the live group Q&As hot seat calls?

Live Group Q&A hot seat calls are on Friday evenings every week except the last week of the month. (This may change to over the weekend depending on what is best for the group). This will give you enough time to process what you have learnt and come up with any questions that you have to address in the call or any areas that you are stuck on.

Do we need a Chemistry Call before starting?

It is important to have a Chemistry Call with Sophie to ensure that this group program is a great fit for you. It is also important for all applicants to be vetted as this helps us make sure the space is truly safe.

I can't make the live group Q&As hot seat calls.

If you can't make the calls, the recordings will be available to you in your membership area for you to watch back at your convenience. You can also ask questions in the thread provided in The Thriving Women's Group Coaching Program private community.